Monday 30 April 2012

more photos from Wales.

 Eden loved the Flying Fox.... over and over and over again.

He also loved his first taste of nutella.

Saturday 14 April 2012

A little something

Eden has no idea who or what Batman is. He does, however, have Batman boxers...and when I put these boxers on him I cannot stop myself from singing the TV theme song...

Well Eden has decided to adapt this, and sings it ALL THE TIME.

I thought I'd capture his breakfast rendition today.

Saturday 24 March 2012

breaking out.

After much silence, we're back. Quietly for now, as it's far too early Saturday morning, Eden is begging for programs and I'm inclined to let him.

The weather has finally turned and we're spending more and more time outside. The outside time is encouraging Caleb to finally get on his feet a bit more, although he still isn't walking with any reliability.

He is however, loving the independence of being able to get up to no good outside! You turn around and he is in yet another corner of the yard, into something else (mostly likely something disgusting).

And together they are getting along quite well - most of the time. There are still occasions of great frustration for Eden, but he loves having the company as much as Caleb loves being involved.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Eden is completely nappy free!!!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Busy Days of Nothing

Life has been manic lately. My parents visiting. Matt visiting. The Wedding. And here we are, in the lull following the storm. I didn't get Eden dressed until 10am this morning because he really didn't want to, and I couldn't see why he had to. Instead, while Caleb slept we read, played, coloured and painted. It's been a long while since we've had time to do that together.

Caleb still isn't crawling per se, but he definitely isn't staying still. he is never where I leave him. He rolls, scrambles, pulls himself along...
And finally eats!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Caleb is all about movement. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks like he's going to take off. He bounces twice as long as Eden ever did, and does acrobatics when you hold him.

YouTube Video

And Eden just got a grandad!

YouTube Video

Sunday 29 May 2011

I know, I know - it's been ages! Life has been a little on the crazy side around these parts. Caleb doesn't like to sleep and has had some pretty bad digestive problems...I've introduced food this weekend in hopes to help him out.

Eden, who desperately needs a haircut I know!, is dry and in underwear all day. Nightime we will tackle soon but not yet.

This is Caleb right now:

YouTube Video